
Asher has decided to put lotion on your face while you are trying to change his butt. He puts his index finger where the lotion comes out of the pump and then will grab your face with the other hand and gently turn it and put the imaginary lotion on your face. While doing this he has the Asher serious face and after he is done he gets this gigantic smile. It is the cutest, sweetest, most adorable thing!

More syllables

Asher has started to use multiple syllable words and trying to say sentences. Some of his favorites are:

Wakaka = wash my hands
Butt cack = butt crack
Whata = water
Ahhcaca = Oscar the Grouch

He now decided to start repeating numbers. He will “count” without saying “can you say…” He is just repeating. Number two is still his favorite, and he will pick up two items and say two! (In a very excited voice)

Colors are coming along. Asher can recognize and say blue, ong (orange), ehdo (yellow), gen (green), back (black), wood, puple (purple), and his favorite, red.

Asher has had a runny no (nose) for a week or so. It is either from the teeth that are coming in or sinus issues with the weather changing.


Asher worked on names today. Since he learned one of his babysitter’s names a few weeks ago (Emma) we have been working on the other babysitter’s name (Sophia). Tonight, he said “oheeeeya”.



Then he and Mommy were practicing his name. Ahhahh Wiya Deedee. It is a start!


Asher is learning more words everyday. Two of the new ones this week are:
Domada (pedometer)
Damit (tablet)

We don’t know how tablet became a swear word. We try to be very cautious around him!

He is trying to pour things together so if you ask him if he had fun at the library (He and Gaga go to storytime on Tuesdays.) he will say uhhuh Gaga book. It shouldn’t be too long before he is speaking in sentences. 

Sorry we are slacking on photos, hopefully this weekend we will get some.

Story Time

Today Gaga took Asher to his first story time at the Hudson Library.  The lady read two stories during the twenty minute session.  Gaga said he was very good and seemed to enjoy it. After the story they played with some of the toys. They had toy fish and he picked up a red one and said red. Then a little girl came up to him with a yellow fish and said to him “What color is this fish little baby?” Gaga said it was really cute and funny because she was the same size as Asher, but about five months older. He is signed up for Tuesday story time at the library for the next five or seven weeks.  Gaga took some pictures that we will have to post. 

Elbow bop

Asher had (according to him) elbow bop for dinner tonight. Mommy made peas and cheese which he said he did not want, bit he did say he would eat pea soup so Mommy told him it was pea soup… It is kind of like a thick soup. So he started to say bee bop and then realized he wanted elbows. We were already having mac and cheese so he started saying elbow bop. He did eat peas, cheese, and baby cereal as soup then had mac and cheese and mac and cheese mixed with peas and applesauce. Every bite he took he said elbow bop and giggled. O guess elbow bop is good! 

Asher is really working on saying I love you. We will let you know when he gets it. There are a bunch of cute little words with l and y sounds followed by Mama as she was putting him to bed tonight. He was practicing really hard on some words before he fell asleep so tomorrow’s words should be interesting.